How’s that for a good joke? Appointing the biggest labor union gangster in America to a ‘fiscal responsibility commission’ charged with finding ways to cut the deficit.
Andy Stern is head of the SEIU, the most ruthless labor union in the country. It’s also President Obama’s favorite union and the one that’s given him the most money.
Stern is a flat out Socialist who never saw an entitlement program that he didn’t salivate over. He’s a parasite, a thug, and an asshole to boot.
Here’s Andy advocating for the redistribution of wealth and global governance.
I see no use for the unions in the public sector. Basically you are saying that the government cannot protect the workers that it hires? So they cannot follow their own laws, and the government doesn't care about us and the workers that it hires? Does this make sense to the liberals? How do you justify a public union?
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile the union sucks taxpayer dollars dry and provides no discernable value. FAILk likes to talk about how useless insurance companies are, but they do provide a service. Public unions provide absolutely no service, other than to stick it to the taxpayers.
This Stern guy is a total communist. It is chilling the things he says. FAILk, do you condemn what he says? Or do you approve?
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ReplyDeleteDear Fellow Patriot,
ReplyDeleteYou may not realize it, but the work that you have done to tell President Obama and his liberal allies to stop shoving their so-called health care bill down the American people's throats has been nothing short of breathtaking. Last week, more than 50,000 of you signed a petition at urging Washington to start over on health care reform. I understand that you're just doing your civic duty, but too often we forget that such small actions, taken together, can have a huge impact on our country. Thank you.
Republicans have heard your voice, and at the Health Care Summit last week, we attempted to communicate your message to President Obama. Unfortunately, as the day went on, it became clear that he's not interested in hearing what you have to say. He's pursuing his own agenda, and unfortunately, it's not the one that the American people want. And he won't stop until you make him stop. Bet on it.
But Republicans are ready to stand up for you and stop it once and for all. That's why we're asking for your help one more time. We would truly appreciate it if you would contribute to the Republican National Committee. We know this request is a lot to ask, but only with your help can we stop President Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi from passing their monstrous health care bill. The time is now.
He just Like the Rest of the People Surrounding This President! How Can Government Redistribute Wealth When There is NO Wealth LEFT! Name One Thing Government on its OWN has Created to Contribute to Citizens Well Being! This Country Was Built By Sweat and Toil of its Citizens and They Were Rewarded for there Toil! This Creep Wants to Take From Citizens and GIVE it to OTHERS Who Have Not EARNED it! Citizens Will NOT Allow this to Happen! Union Chief on "Fiscal Responsibility" Commision is Indeed Putting the FOX In Charge of the Chicken Coop!
ReplyDeleteSpend ALL You Can in a YEAR 1.3 Trillion and Then Call for Fiscal Responsibility! What a LEADER We GOT!
More public worker unions in a rage because they are asked for concessions. I say make it like Rhode Island, dump them all. Then we'll see what the unions are all about, as they violently oppose any "scabs" who find the work and pay agreeable to them.
ReplyDeleteGreek, Portuguese Workers Strike, Protest Against Deficit Cuts
FAILk is strangely silent on the matter. What's the matter Komrade FAILk, Kat got your tongue?
For the most part, I agree with what Stern says. Workers in this country, in our economy, need a fair shake. For too long the tables have been tilted toward the wealthy CEO's and the wealthy who didn't earn their wealth, but inherited it.
ReplyDeleteEconomic opportunity is what this country was built on and ever since the Reagan years, economic opportunity has been declining for the middle class. Wages have been stagnant or declining, while CEO pay has been increasing at an ever increasing rate and the United States has the highest ratio of CEO pay to worker pay in the world. That's not right.
A CEO of a company does not deserve 400 times the pay of the average worker, some earning in a day what the average worker makes in a year.
I also think some of those clips may have been taken out of context, since the clip is highly edited.
Unions have an important place in America, to give workers a fair wage and grievance procedures to make sure that the companies don't gain too much of an upper hand in the work place.
Wages have NOT been stagnating.
ReplyDeleteBut they sure will under Obama.
And a CEO deserves whatever he earns. If his company wants to pay him what they think he is worth, what is it to you? If you don't like it, don't buy their product. Who decides what a fair wage is Bruce, you? A politician? That's communism. That's what you are, a communist. And you are a pathetic whiner, jealous of somebody else for what they make. Those CEO's are a fraction of a fraction of wage earners. And guess what FAILk, you get a lot more taxes out of their pay than if it was distributed among poor people. People like you who don't pay taxes.
Bruce, you didn't answer any of my questions, about the place of a union in the public sector. You say "to give workers a fair wage and grievance procedures to make sure that the companies don't gain too much of an upper hand in the work place." Are you saying that the government would not do that if not for the unions?
Guess what FAILk, I work in a company that isn't unionized, and I get a fair shake. I got laid off from a company that wasn't unionized, and guess what, I understood that they needed to make cuts to stay viable. I sure didn't wish I could have been in a union and forced the company to go under, and take some of my friends' jobs with it, just so I could make more for a little while. Who are the people who aren't getting a "fair shake" FAILk? Where are these people? It's a mirage, a figment of your wild imagination. It doesn't exist you dumbass.
ReplyDeleteBruce We Certainly Would Like to Keep Those Rascals Signing those Pay Checks From Actually Running Their Companies! In Order to Do This Unions Have Shut Them Down ,Closed Them Down or Shipped Them Over Seas! Nuff Said Except Where Are All Those Jobs Either Non or Union JOBS!
ReplyDeleteAnd Comrade FAILk, you never did say about what you DISAGREED with Comrade Andy Stern.
ReplyDeleteNice to know that FAILk wants the government to control what everyone is paid. What is that old communist saying, I know Comrade FAILk will know it so he can correct me, but is it "from each according to ability, to each according to need" or something like that?
ReplyDeleteI suppose Bill Gates makes too much money for you FAILk? Even though he donates more than the GDP of some countries to philanthropic causes? Maybe the government should step in and limit what he makes, what do you think about that?
ReplyDeleteBruce how do you explain the fact that Americans are the richest people in the world? The difference between a progressive liberal and a conservative is the progressive wants to make the rich middle class and the conservative wants to make the poor become middle class. You Bruce and your progessive/regressive ilk want to bring the rich down to the middle class. That is how you want to make the middle class bigger. You want to destroy the upper class. We conservatives want to make everyone richer. We want the poor to become the middle class. And if you don't think our middle class is huge and rich then find a middle class richer and bigger then ours.
ReplyDeleteWell, I told you all that Comrade FAILk was a communist, and his answers didn't disappoint. Does your family realize you are a communist FAILk? I had a government teacher once who was loud and proud about being a communist. You are the worst kind of communist Bruce. You are the communist who will only be proud of it when the United States of America becomes the USSA. Right now you say you are a Capitalist, but you aren't. What about you makes you a Capitalist? You are pro-government regulation, pro-union, pro-government price controls, pro-government control of everything frankly. Except video email, I bet you would have a problem with the government regulation that business. And I bet you would have a problem if you were suddenly forced into a union, into paying union dues:
ReplyDeleteDid you hear about that one Jay-Ney, that's in your neck of the woods, Flint, isn't it? I bet you love that the union is forcing people into their union. What a joke. That is the picture of "freedom" that FAILk loves so much. Forced unionization, is there anything less free than that? You'd better take a gut-check FAILk. You are a communist.
Finally Comrade FAILk comes clean about his desire for the government to control the pay that someone receives in a private company. You and Comrade Obummer, peas in a communist pod aren't you Comrade FAILk?
ReplyDelete“Workers in this country, in our economy, need a fair shake. For too long the tables have been tilted toward the wealthy CEO's and the wealthy who didn't earn their wealth, but inherited it.”
ReplyDeleteNeed a fair shake?
For what, working 8-4?
Having on the job responsibilities of 2-3 things?
Try working an 18+ hour days.
Try having responsibilities over an entire 100-10,000 employee/milti-million dollar company and to make sure it remains a health company.
You do realize the top 1% of people in this country own 13% of the capital
You do realize the top 2%-19% of the people in this country own 85% of the capital.
Guess what bracket Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Stern fall under…. That 2%-19%
Inheritance doesn’t play in to the roll of most people’s wealth
I wonder if the Oakland Press would be interested in knowing the company that Gary Peters keeps. Self-confessed communists like Bruce Fealk. I think somebody needs to write an editorial. I bet Gary Peters approves of Bruce Fealk's message.
ReplyDeleteBruce just wants to plunder others inheritance. He is nothing more then a thief.
ReplyDeleteIsn't Bruce Fealk the guy that got Andrew fired from the Oakland Press?
ReplyDeleteBoy, you guys sure know how to make stuff up. You have learned well at the knee of Fox News.
ReplyDeleteProve me wrong FAILk! You have an open forum to refute. I have asked you question after question and you refuse to answer. Nobody is making anything up Comrade. Unless you have a mouse typing your posts on the keyboard, it's alllll you. And Gary Peters I guess.
ReplyDeleteSomebody send the bat-signal out to Joey, he'll give the straight poop on whether, by what FAILk says, he could be classified as a communist. I mean, the government spreading wealth around and deciding what employees at private companies are paid sure sounds communist to me. I would like to get Joey's perspective on it.
ReplyDeleteComrade FAILk, you never ever ever answered Al's question: how many poor men have given you a job?
ReplyDeleteHe is the second most powerful man in America.
ReplyDeleteJay-Ney, lay off the Mad Dog 20-20, 'kay?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've heard of JayNey is said she smokes marijuana. I think that is why her and Bruce think so much