This is a little out of the box thinking but that is what we need to do in times like this. I'm sure after reading the whole post we would all agree that this is a win-win for both liberals and conservatives.
We are seeing a massive jump in liberal and union violence lately. I'm sure we can all agree that violence is not the answer and that all sides are served if we could find a cure for liberal and union violence. First we need to look at the violence from the left-wing radicals and unions as a symptom of a larger problem. Instead of fixing the problem, let's get a hold of the immediate problem of violence coming out of these left-wing protests.
I know the left-wing and unions are getting pissed at being told that violence is a symptom that could be cure with medication. Don't give up reading this post yet. You will love the medication that will cure a symptom of these left-wing union protests. Just remember it's a cure that has been in this country forever.
As most of you know many States in the Union have made medical marijuana legal for many diseases from pain,headaches,cancer...Michigan has such a law. If we could stand behind a revision of these States laws to include Liberalism as a disease that would qualified it for legal medical marijuana use as treatment for violence and hyperactive anger issues. What better treatment for these symptoms then giving them what they had in the 60's till today? Let them smoke their medicine and watch the violence go away like magic.
The left-wing will eat this up. Pun intended. The left-wing love to have rights that the rest of us don't have. They also can't resist standing behind a bill that makes smoking pot legal. It's like Pavlov's dog and the bell. Ring ring ring. If you are a lefty that doesn't want to take your meds before you go out it's your right not too. Odds are your not violent to begin with, so stay lucid and have a great rally. But keep it safe and alcohol free. That doesn't mean free alcohol.
How do we conservatives and moderates win in this? Violence costs us all when the left-wing and unions start coming unhinged. We also win in the end when everyone agrees that Liberalism is a symptom of a disease. If you need any proof that Liberalism is a disease just look at the disorder they leave behind them.
But in all fairness we must have compassion for Liberals. They are Americans too. They just need help and treatment for their disorder. If we don't treat them it will cost us all. Tell your Congressperson to have compassion and give them the treatment they deserve.
WARNING!!! Taking marijuana does have side effects other then taming the tendency for patients towards violent behavior. Medical marijuana has been shown to drop out of society. But some may think that that would be more of a benefit then a side effect.
Let's all get behind this disease before it spreads to more left-wingers and unionists. We need to start a telethon like Jerry's Kids. A cure is right around the corner if we can all get behind it together. Send this out to everyone you know. Do a posting on your own blog or facebook. We can do it if change our thinking for the better of America.
The treatment for any violence and anger that the Liberals tell us happens is also in this post and we have been doing it all along. Conservatives have found the cure and that is why we are violent free. We laugh at the Liberals. The Liberals are not only the cause but the cure for what ails us. Don't forget to "Love your enemy" and to "Love yourself". Don't forget to laugh it's good medicine.
We are seeing a massive jump in liberal and union violence lately. I'm sure we can all agree that violence is not the answer and that all sides are served if we could find a cure for liberal and union violence. First we need to look at the violence from the left-wing radicals and unions as a symptom of a larger problem. Instead of fixing the problem, let's get a hold of the immediate problem of violence coming out of these left-wing protests.
I know the left-wing and unions are getting pissed at being told that violence is a symptom that could be cure with medication. Don't give up reading this post yet. You will love the medication that will cure a symptom of these left-wing union protests. Just remember it's a cure that has been in this country forever.
As most of you know many States in the Union have made medical marijuana legal for many diseases from pain,headaches,cancer...Michigan has such a law. If we could stand behind a revision of these States laws to include Liberalism as a disease that would qualified it for legal medical marijuana use as treatment for violence and hyperactive anger issues. What better treatment for these symptoms then giving them what they had in the 60's till today? Let them smoke their medicine and watch the violence go away like magic.
The left-wing will eat this up. Pun intended. The left-wing love to have rights that the rest of us don't have. They also can't resist standing behind a bill that makes smoking pot legal. It's like Pavlov's dog and the bell. Ring ring ring. If you are a lefty that doesn't want to take your meds before you go out it's your right not too. Odds are your not violent to begin with, so stay lucid and have a great rally. But keep it safe and alcohol free. That doesn't mean free alcohol.
How do we conservatives and moderates win in this? Violence costs us all when the left-wing and unions start coming unhinged. We also win in the end when everyone agrees that Liberalism is a symptom of a disease. If you need any proof that Liberalism is a disease just look at the disorder they leave behind them.
But in all fairness we must have compassion for Liberals. They are Americans too. They just need help and treatment for their disorder. If we don't treat them it will cost us all. Tell your Congressperson to have compassion and give them the treatment they deserve.
WARNING!!! Taking marijuana does have side effects other then taming the tendency for patients towards violent behavior. Medical marijuana has been shown to drop out of society. But some may think that that would be more of a benefit then a side effect.
Let's all get behind this disease before it spreads to more left-wingers and unionists. We need to start a telethon like Jerry's Kids. A cure is right around the corner if we can all get behind it together. Send this out to everyone you know. Do a posting on your own blog or facebook. We can do it if change our thinking for the better of America.
The treatment for any violence and anger that the Liberals tell us happens is also in this post and we have been doing it all along. Conservatives have found the cure and that is why we are violent free. We laugh at the Liberals. The Liberals are not only the cause but the cure for what ails us. Don't forget to "Love your enemy" and to "Love yourself". Don't forget to laugh it's good medicine.
Never forget we surround them!