A sizable number of voters are following new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s showdown with unionized public employees in his state, and nearly half side with the governor.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters agree more with the Republican governor in his dispute with union workers. Thirty-eight percent (38%) agree more with the unionized public employees, while 14% are undecided.
This is great news for all the Republican and Tea Party Governors out there. This has become a populous movement that the people stand behind. We have seen what we get for our money when it comes to government unions and government teachers unions.
The Tea Party and Republican Party has shown how last Novembers elections went not only from the Federal level but also from the state and local level. Progressives and government unions will be giving back and we Tea Partiers have the power todo some real damage to the Progressive union machine.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters agree more with the Republican governor in his dispute with union workers. Thirty-eight percent (38%) agree more with the unionized public employees, while 14% are undecided.
This is great news for all the Republican and Tea Party Governors out there. This has become a populous movement that the people stand behind. We have seen what we get for our money when it comes to government unions and government teachers unions.
The Tea Party and Republican Party has shown how last Novembers elections went not only from the Federal level but also from the state and local level. Progressives and government unions will be giving back and we Tea Partiers have the power todo some real damage to the Progressive union machine.
Have fun watching this buffoon lose his mind and come unhinged. He starts out goofy and breaks into a full blown batshit nuts liberal. You'll laugh you but off when he turns into Cujo. I just hope they don't become violent like they usually do.