The Tea Party group
Truth About Bills has put out a video purportedly showing a union protester in Columbus, OH threatening to break a group member’s “God**mned neck”:
[WARNING: Contains graphic language]
Look at the Teamsters union logo on his jacket:
Andrew Staroska, COO of Truth About Bills, was the person threatened in the video. While the Tea Partier was “walking around just viewing the union members protest to the Gov. State of the State Address,” he says he was confronted by the man in the video.
“I said nothing to the man and he approached and threatened me.”
I'm sure the left-wing will make up excuses for this union thug. Just like they made up things about Tea Party violence that never happened. It seems to be the liberal MO.
If you plan on going to one of these protest please be careful. It only takes one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. And from what I've seen coming out of these protests is a lot of rotten apples. These protests are nothing like the always peaceful and family friendly Tea Party rallies. The few times there was violence at the Tea Party rallies it was SEIU union thugs or liberal beating up or threatening the Tea Partiers.
If you are a teacher or a public union supporter be careful. These protesters are looking for a fight and you may not want to be anywhere near that. Just remember to leave the children out of this. Don't withhold the children's education to protest. Our children are not weapons. We must do what is right for the children and not showing up to work doesn't help the children. And making threats of sub par education if they don't get their way is not a threat, it's reality. The truth is our educational system is atrocious at best. For decades we have been giving the Teachers union what they want with the promise of a better education for our children. It hasn't worked, so we must try something new.
We must be able to fire the bad teachers. With the unions we can't. The children suffer because of that and so do the rest of the teachers. Great teachers deserve great pay and bad teachers must be fired. Because of unions we can't fire the the worse of the worse.
Any conservatives going to the anti-government protests also need to be careful. These ant-government protesters can't handle the verbal jabs like they gave the Tea Party. They can dish it out but they sure can't take it. This is a different culture all together. Unions have used thug and threats of violence since the beginning. These unionist crack like a pit bull at a dog fight. When they threaten you call the police. Get it on video and post it on youtube. Your best weapon against these people is the video camera. They respect the camera even though they don't respect your rights and the law.
Conservatives need to pray for these people. They are feeling the pain we have felt for years now. They are taking cuts like we have. Just because they act like children doesn't change the fact that they have to give up something so our state can survive.
Pray for them, they need it. Pray for their and our safety. Pray that they realize that we the tax payers can't afford them any more. Pray that our teachers see that the children come first.