Monday, December 20, 2010

DOD Report: Straight Troops Must Shower With Gays

A special Defense Department working group appointed by Defense Secretary Robert Gates has recommended that the military should "expressly prohibit" heterosexuals from using separate showers, bathrooms and bunking facilities from homosexuals when the repeal of the law banning homosexuals from the military goes into effect. The military has no problem putting gays and straight together naked they shouldn't have a problem with those straight soldiers reading from the Holy Bible out loud. Maybe they should focus on the verses pertaining to perversions of sex. If the 3% of Americans that are gay have rights to indulge their perversions then the majority of Americans that are of faith(Christian,Jewish,Islam...) should have the right to read from their holy books the parts that go over homosexuality. But we know that the left wont let the majority have the same rights as the minority. With all the focus on homosexuals you'd think there were more then 3% of the American population. We are now willing to make the 97% uncomfortable so the 3% can do what they want.


  1. Chris,, News flash; They have been showering together all along and this is exactly why DADT should have stayed in place so as not to make anyone uncomfortable.

  2. Then, by rights, men & women also ought to be showering together.

    BTW, I feel that DADT should be replaced with a new approach: DC-KITY (Don't Care - Keep It To Yourself).

  3. According to my Nephew, a staff Sergeant, he see this differently.
    According to him, to prevent an influx of sexual harassment and fraternizing policy complaints with in the Army, separate shower and latrines are already planned for this repeal.

  4. Mark, That turns DADT around meaning don't ask the military brass about separate facilities and they will not tell.

    You can just hear now the screams of "segregation" and "isolation". My God this whole thing is so f#$%ed up!

  5. politicans have now managed to put military uniform on Political Correctness.

  6. Chris, you ever been in military? So what do you know about what goes on?

    A gay man has no more right to harass you with his views than a Christian does. gay men won't be allowed to make comments and say things that would be thought of as harassment anymore than a Christian would be able to harass a gay man with his religious beliefs.

    Sorry for one who was too whatever to serve you sure talk alot about it.

  7. Joe why is it harassment when a Christian reads from the Bible but not harasssment when a gay man is placed in a shower with other men? So Joe if I didn't serve in the 3 armed services I can't speak on it? Did you serve in the military Joe? Then why do you give yourself the right to speak on the military but not me? Where do you get off telling me I can't have an opinion about gays in the military taking showers with staight men just because I wasn't in the military? Obama hasn't done shit and he's the comander and chef. So what do you think of that little fact in you theory?

  8. I agree with Jim,"DC-KITY (Don't Care - Keep It To Yourself)".
    I could care less is a person is gay. I could care less if they are flamming gay. But most men do care about taking showers with flaming gay men. Joe might not care but he thinks that women going topless in Canada lowers crime rates. He also thinks there is more wrong with Christians having free speach and offending people but topless women and gay men with straight men naked in showers isn't offensive. The left just want to turn the hole world upside down just for the Hell of it.

  9. Question How Did Reversing Dont Ask Dont Tell help anybody in the service and in Harms way?

    Just seems to me all sorts of other Issues will now begin to surface and strenghten OUR military How? Social change/political correctness will not mesh well and OUR military will suffer. That is a good thing how?

  10. Just an excerpt from my nephew (Staff Sergeant-Active)to me on this issue.

    "According to the Army's prevention of sexual harrassment, equal opportunity, and fraternaization laws this ruling will have to bring massive changes to the daily operations of the military. They will have to create a special status for homosexuals, transsexuals, transgenders, bisexuals and transvestites. They will all need their own barracks, showers and latrines. The minute you tell any soldier that the place where they shower, shit, and sleep is a sexual environment, you are violating the previously mentioned regulation. Now that gay people can say "i'm gay" while your in the shower room with them, a hostile environment is present (equal opportunity violated). When you see some lesbian spending a lot of time with her superior female officer and being friends and one person perceives favoritism or sexual behavior, the fraternization policy is violated. The minute two gay guys start talking about some other guy they think is cute while their taking a shit in the latrine, the sexual harrassment policy is violated."

    This is going to be a huge issue with in the military. So regardless of what Secretary Robert Gates says, the military law is the law

  11. Mark i agree with some of what he said. That the minute a soldier approaches another in a way that would be considered harassment that soldier is in violation. and that would include announcing his sexuality in showers or discussions of sexual things while in areas like the bathroom.

    But the knowledge that a person is gay would not openly violate that rule as long as the Gay male or female acts appropriate.

  12. and Chris, proselytizing could and should be considered workplace harassment if the soldier has made it clear that he is not interested in being told about religion. It is one thing to have a religious study group, it is another to tell a soldier his religion or sexual preference is wrong or anything of that nature.

    And take Mark's shower or toilet situation. It would incorrect for a Christian soldier to start discussions of biblical correctness next to a soldier of another faith or sexual preference in the same situation.

    We don't need to debate the obvious, anyone attempting to place their religious views on another is harassment. You can come up with all the little potential bullshit situations you want but it doesn't make them right.

  13. Joe does that same rule stand for gays talking about their lifestyle and beliefs? Does that same rule of yours about "proselytizing could and should be considered workplace harassment if the soldier has made it clear that he is not interested in being told about religion." What about gays being aloud to look at straights naked? Do the straight soldiers have the right to not be looked at naked by gay soldiers?Joe you said..." it is another to tell a soldier his religion or sexual preference is wrong or anything of that nature." But it's OK for gay liuberals to push their thoughts,beliefsd and lifestyles and all we can do is sit down and shut up because you liberals tell everyone what is "right and wrong"? It's time the PC way of "social justice" get what they give. Joe what gives you liberals the right to define free speech,"It would incorrect for a Christian soldier to start discussions of biblical correctness next to a soldier of another faith or sexual preference in the same situation."? I think you need to think about what you are saying. You sound like Mao.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.