Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Obama Praises Vick the Dog Killer

President Obama's praise for convicted dog-murderer Michael Vick receiving a second chance really fired up Megyn Kelly earlier today on Fox News. In a debate with Bernadette Pauley, animal rights activist and Dr. R.L. White, President of the NAACP in Atlanta (where Vick previously played football), Kelly wondered whether this was an overblown story or whether the President truly was wrong for picking Vick's second chance as worthy of praise. It's seems that calling a convicted dog killer on vacation was top priority for Obama. And what a smart call that was. It gives him street cred. Why would Obama do this?


  1. This was a dumb move by President Obama. At least he's consistent.

  2. Total non-starter.

    Hey if Mike Vick was a white conservative who robbed a bank WITH a GUN in his possession, David Gorcyca would get him probation and a job.

    So i think a dog killer who served two years and lost all his money and is on a forced pay schedule is a good second chance story.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.