Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Real HOPE Conservatives Said Would Come

You've got to love it. This is a picture both liberals and conservatives like. It says it all for both sides.


  1. The connection between OWS and Obama will be his downfall.they are both out of control.

  2. This could very well be the political death of the DNC. They have nothing to run on and stuck their political foot in their mouths with endorsing the OWS, which has turned out to be VERY unpopular than ever, now, with Americans… Did they think we would embrace Socialism?

  3. Anarchist,Marxist,Socialist,Communist and the Democratic Party support OWS. Need I say more?

  4. The stock market took another crash today. We need to throw everyone out of Washington!

  5. I recommend you watch this report from Chris Hayes so you understand how scared the right is of OWS.

  6. So fealk thinks a proposal from a lobbying firm that was rejected means something other than the lobbying firm was trying to make money? We all know how to take anything coming from MSNBC. Laugh at it, then forget it. Only loons pay attention to MSNBC.

    Oh by the way brucie, your buddies both pled out on the election fraud charges. Rumor has it they implicated you as a co-conspirator.

  7. I'm not scared of OWS. I like OWS and the Democratic Party connections. OWS will bring down Obama and the Democratic Party just like they want to destroy Wall Street,Capitalism and the American way of life. I HOPE they keep doing what they are doing.

  8. Bruce, have you been named as a co-conspirator in the fraud case?

  9. This research will expose the socialist/Marxist backing of the OWS movement, which Americans already know they are.
    63% of the American people do not agree with OWS and those Dems who openly support them, will be shown the door in 2012.
    This is nothing new, nor earth shattering, Bruce. They have been doing this for years. That their line of work.
    The DNC also has one. It's called Brazile & Associates LLC, a general consulting, grassroots advocacy, and training firm based in Washington, DC.

  10. They raped a young man to the point of needing surgery. Who could agree with people like that? This isn't the only rape either. One boy was forced to give head to 5 OWS men. They need a men's rape tent now.

  11. Chris, you have no idea how much I WAS NOT involved in that whole mess.

  12. It did sound like something you would have been part of. I bet you even knew those two men.

    Anon. it is sick what is happening in OWS. I'm sure there will be even more stories like that coming out of those protests. They think that everything is theirs for the taking.

  13. Chris, I do know Mike and Jason, although I was NOT happy with what they did.

    I called for Jason to be fired a year before this incident.

    I love kicking the ass of Republicans, but I like doing it fair and square, on the issues.

    I was very disappointed in Mike over this incident. It was a bonehead thing to be involved in. There's no reason for this kind of activity.

    The Tea Party will self destruct on its own by over reaching on far right wing radical agenda items.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.