Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's Time We Get Down To Two Republican Candidates

At this point Mitt is the only candidate fighting for the moderate votes. The rest of the candidates are fighting for the more conservative vote. I think it's time for most of the candidates to drop out for the good of the conservative movement. Conservatives need to come together for a conservative candidate that can run against Mitt. If we don't start galvanizing towards one conservative candidate to run against Mitt,we will endmup with Mitt. I'm good with having him as our candidate. Heck, I'm good with anyone but Obama as president. The question is who would you like to see run against Mitt for the Republican Party and why?


  1. At this point Mitt is the only candidate fighting for the moderate votes.

    And this is my problem with this point, I'm praying for a brokered convention so Rubio can be drafted!

  2. Mitt isn't my first choice either. The only way we can get a ful conservative is if the weak start dropping out for the better of the conservatives. I'm glade Santorum is doing better. I'd like to see Perry, Huntsmen and Paul drop out. I'd love to see Rubio as our VP. I also like Rice as VP.

  3. If republicans aint careful 2008 will become a rerun. Moderates did not win in 2010 and 2012 aint going to be different!

  4. If this country is not yanked back to a Reagan vision, which is more closer aligned with the founders principles and ideals, we will never, NEVER undo what Obama has done (AND is doing). It's high time we stop pussyfooting around with liberal/progressive ideology. This is a battle for our CHILDREN'S future freedom, and not for our own self-preservations. It's an absolute goal, once and for ALL, that we rid ourselves of what the extreme minority says is, and that is that socialism is the answer.

  5. To tell you the truth it will only take a Super Majority in both houses of congress and the presidency to undo what the Democrats did to us that are going to come into fruition over the next decade. There arema lot of stupid people out there that want the European socialism here in this country, even though it's failing in Europe and everywhere it has been tried.

  6. Huntsmen dis very well at the debat.


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