Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker Wins Big

This is great news for conservatives. Liberals on the other hand will try and play it like it doesn't mean anything, but we all know they are pissing their pants right now. The Democrats tried to overrun the voters of Wisconsin and it backfired. Good luck from now on because this will only deflate liberals and embolden conservatives. You will see a lot more politicians going to the right after what they have seen. I'd like to know how you think this will change politics from now on. Will this effect the public unions in America? Will the union and Democrats try anything seedy?


  1. All those Union Dues Poof! Tax Payers win and this could be just the begining of a very interesting Election cycle!

    I guess when a Govoner runs and does what he says Bring down the States deficit,Reduce Unemployment and not one Public Sector employee loses their job Citizens win plain and simple!

  2. This isn't over yet. We will not let you neo cons come after the poor working class without a big fight.

    1. You are correct. There is much more for the Citizens and Tax Payers to accomplish and WE will!!!!

  3. I am a union member. The union leaders want to "teach" the voters and politicians a lesson for doing this. I wouldn't put anything past these people.

  4. The unions have already started rioting in Wisconsin. What a bunch a bitches, like JoeC!

  5. I meant bunch of bitches. Oops,

  6. I guess the Snyder Recall went POOF! Not enough signitures. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  7. This isn't over yet. You cons can go to hell.

    1. I have a feeling if that were to happen you would be there to greet us! When November comes the Fat Lady will Sing and then its over!


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.