Sunday, January 3, 2010

Would you like someone to hold you up Mr. President?

Isn't this a great picture of Joe and Barack hanging out? Obama is one cool cat.


  1. He is hot. I'd like to bend him over the White House desk.

  2. He's also the clean and articulate one, according to the other guy in the picture...

  3. I will say he LOOKS a Bit Weary most Likely from him and the rest of the LIBS Spending OUR Money. Hopefully he will take a Break. Congress and Nobama have done their JOB and Made us Beholding to CHINA,sort like a Lib Entitlement Program in Reverse!

  4. The scary part is this is one of the many pictures on the White House web. Whio in their right mind would put a picture like this up of Obama? It's the same group that said unemployment wouldn't go past 8%. If they can't get a picture on the White House web then how can we expect them to do anything they say they can? Who needs Republicans or the blogs to make these guys look dumb when they do it better then anyone could.

  5. I wonder who won Joe's game of pocket pool? I bet it was Bruce.

  6. Is Obama a bottom feeder?


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.