Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Solar Flares Coming From Now Until 2014

Solar storms are coming and will be getting greater in size over the next few years. No one knows what effect they will have but we could be looking at a super storm that comes every 100 years. That last time this happened was in 1857. This could have a major effect on our society. Are you ready for what is coming? Do you have a faraday box, food and water? Can you protect yourself if it knocks out power for the long term? Or are you just going to wait for the government or someone else to save you if it happens? I'd love to know what you know or think might happen, if anything at all.

The news did say that this storm isn't going to be that bad but they will get much worse heading into 2013.


  1. MSNBC and CNN make it sound like the end of the world is coming. They talked about the Myan and native American belief in the end of the world. It sounds a little out there if you ask me. But it couldn't hurt to buy some canned goods just in case.

  2. Hey Chris, I to have been following this news and depending on the source "the last time this happened" is all over the map at least as far as the magnitude is concerned (1857,1988 and 1992).

    Time will tell but I am not to concerned this time around.

  3. Go to www.solarstormwarning.com . There are two things happening at the same time. It has something to do with the Milky Way and some astro clouds. The earths magnetic field is as weak as it ever has been.

  4. Tinfoil and chicken wire works as a faraday box for solar EMP.

  5. They are called faraday cages. It's not a matter of if but when it will happen. Stop on by www.faraday cage.org

  6. I'll just plod along, and if I lose my internet, then I'll start doing something PRODUCTIVE!

  7. It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

  8. So I not only need a tinfoil hat but a tinfoil room too? I used this stuff in the garage to cover insulation that was installed incorrectly...


    The cool thing was that it like tripled the output of the lights so working on the car was easier.


Please keep it clean and nice. Thank you for taking the time to post you thought. It means a lot to me that you do this.